Tuples are immutable i.e... We cannot modify its elements. So operations like add append, insert or remove are not possible.
Lists are mutable i.e.. We can modify its elements.
Tuple elements
Elements are separated by , inside ( ) brackets.
Elements can be of same datatype or may have different data types.
tupl = () # empty tuple
tupl = (1, ) # with one element
tupl = ( 1,2, ‘abc’, 2.5 ) # tuple with different datatypes
tupl = 1,2,3,4,5 # without brackets are considered as tuple not a list
We can also create a tuple from a list
list = [1,2,3 ]
tupl = tuple(list)
Create tuple using range
tupl = tuple( range ( 1, 9 ) ) # numbers from 1 to 9 are creating tuple from 1 to 8
Accessing Tuple elements tupl=(10,20,30,40,50)
tupl [0] represents the first element 10
tupl [-1] represents the last element 50
tupl [-5] represents 10
tupl [:] all elements of tuple
tupl [1:4] gives 20,30,40
tupl [::2] gives 10,30, 50
tupl [::-2] gives 50, 30, 10
tupl [-4:-2] gives 20,30
Using For Loop
for i in tupl
print (i)
Basic operations on Tuples
There are five basic operations on tuples
Basic Operations on tuples
Length of the tuple
len (tupl_1) returns 5
Concat two tuples
tupl_2= ( 60,70,80)
tupl_3 = tupl_1 + tupl_2
tupl_3=tupl_2 * 3
print( tupl_3 ) will print ( 60,70,80, 60,70,80 , 60,70,80 )
val = 10
val in tupl_1 returns true
val not in tupl_1 returns false
Iteration Operation
for i in tupl_1:
print( i )
Functions to process tuples
Function |
Description |
len() |
Returns the length of the tuple |
len ( tupl ) |
min() |
Returns the minimum value in the tuple |
min ( tupl ) |
max () |
Returns the largest value in the tuple |
max ( tupl ) |
count () |
Returns how many times a value is found in the tuple |
tupl.count(10) |
index() |
Returns first occurrence of the value in tuple |
tupl.index(30) |
sorted() |
Sorts the values in ascending order |
sorted ( tupl ) |
sorted( , reverse=True) |
Sorts the values in descending order |
sorted (tupl, reverse=True) |
print("len function",len(t1))
print("min function",min(t1))
print("max function",max(t1))
print("count function 5",t1.count(5))
print("Index function",t1.index(2))
print("sorted tuple ascending order",t2)
print("tuple t3",t3)
print("sorted tuple Descending order",t4)
#nested tuple
print("Length of student",len(student))
print("Sorted student",sorted(student))
print("According name")
print(sorted(student, key=lambda student:student[1]))
('len function', 5)
('min function', 1)
('max function', 5)
('count function 5', 1)
('Index function', 1)
('sorted tuple ascending order', [2, 4, 6, 9, 10])
('tuple t3', (9, 4, 6, 2, 10))
('sorted tuple Descending order', [10, 9, 6, 4, 2])
((2, 'def'), (1, 'pqr'))
('Length of student', 2)
('Sorted student', [(1, 'pqr'), (2, 'def')])
According name
[(2, 'def'), (1, 'pqr')]
Nested Tuples and its sorting.
A tuple inserted into another tuple is called nested tuple
tupl = (10, 20, 30 , (100,101) )
(100,101) inside tupl will be considered as a single element
len ( tupl) will be 4
For example
student = ( ( 101, ‘abc’), (102, ‘def’) , ( 103, ‘pqr’ ) )
will be 3
print ( tupl [ 0 ] ) will return ( 101, ‘abc’ )
Sorting Tuples
sorted() function is used to sort the tuples in ascending order
print ( sorted ( student ) will return [ (101, 'abc'), (102, 'pqr'), (103, 'def') ]
It sorts according to rollno 101..102..103..
To sort according to name of the student